Some Thoughts On The Latest Chelsea Manning Drama

God damn the centrists are gunning for Chelsea Manning hard. Ever since she announced her Democratic primary challenge to the seat of…

Source: Some Thoughts On The Latest Chelsea Manning Drama – Caitlin Johnstone – Medium 

Seriously, how many transgender, cowards, treason committers, ex-cons who got back pay and a sex change operation at tax payer payer expense and is now running for congress can there be. How many votes? Cutting off your pecker does not make you a woman nor does being male make you a man!

3 thoughts on “Some Thoughts On The Latest Chelsea Manning Drama

  1. My only thought is that I wonder what means an American patriot will use to exterminate this vermin.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a good idea if he/she goes in a public bathroom my 2 years old grand-daughter is using, IPac!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That shouldn’t be a problem. From what I remember, it was a faggot before it decided it was a woman. Still, any justification to exterminate this sort of vermin is good enough for me.

        Liked by 1 person

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